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World Impact with Dr. Billy Wilson seeks to address the deeply felt needs of people around the world by presenting Biblical wisdom on current topics in a globally relevant way.

The Bible is timeless and applicable to your life regardless of your location, age, or wealth. Anyone who encounters Jesus has a chance to change for the better and so make the world a better place. For two decades, World Impact has encouraged millions of people to know Jesus, embrace the Holy Spirit, and live rightly before God.

May you find a renewed and lasting relationship with Jesus through the exhortation and clear scriptural presentation you find here. May you also then be empowered to share Jesus with your world.

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The Bible is timeless and applicable to your life regardless of your location, age or wealth.

Prayer Request

We believe that God can make good come from all of life’s challenges. Our staff, and the intercessors at ORU, stand ready to join with you in prayer.

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Your support will open the door for international or first generation college students to go and change their world for the glory of God.

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Additional materials by Dr. Billy Wilson are available here. Please take a moment to see which would be helpful to you along your spiritual journey.

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